BENBAN S/S Projects
- Solar energy is one of the most reliable sources of energy on the globe earth, and Egypt is geographically located between latitudes 22 and 31.5 north, and thus Egypt is in the heart of the global solar belt.
- Benban Solar Energy Project ” called the world’s capital of solar energy” is one of the most important and largest electrical projects that have been implemented in the world in recent years, as it is the largest solar power plant in the world with a capacity of 1,465 Mega Watts, and it was established in partnership with the private sector and international expertise.
- The strategic project is the first in a plan to increase the conversion rate of 30% of the total energy produced in Egypt to become new and renewable energy, and the total cost of the project is approximately 2 billion Egyptian pounds. With a turnkey bases system, substation has been put into operation since 2018 and has been operating efficiently since then in the network.
- XD||EGEMAC had successfully implemented on turnkey basis (4) Main Step-up Power Transformer Substations with its Extensions as following:
- Benban (1,2&4) Substations (22/22/220) kV, (4X175 MVA) GIS Type.
- Benban (3) Substation (22/22/220/500) kV (10×167 MVA) +(4X175 MVA) GIS Type.
- All substations are currently operating successfully in the Egyptian power grid.
- XD||EGEMAC expresses its appreciation to MOE & IT`S Affiliated company EETC for their trust & support in offering such opportunity for participating in such an important project.